2021 - 2022
Bega Valley Shire Council
Water Projects
Bega Valley Shire Council recently embarked on a project to upgrade their sewerage treatment plant, to improve the quality of treated wastewater and recycled water. This included decommissioning the beach-face outfall, which had restricted operating times and capacity, installing upgraded pumps, improving recycled wastewater availability for reuse in regional areas, and installing a 3.5km ocean outfall pipeline to convey treated wastewater away from sensitive areas.
Our Role
The Stable Group supported Bega Valley Shire Council with their grant application to the National Water Grid, aimed at upgrading their sewerage treatment plant. TSG actively engaged with the Bega community and stakeholders, conducting a comprehensive assessment of the proposal’s costs and benefits. Findings supported the Council’s proposal, highlighting the prospective positive interactions with local industries and reinforcing the need for funding. TSG went on to define clear objectives for the sewerage upgrade in Merimbula and presented feasible upgrade options, quantifying both the costs and net benefits with each option.